Dell Venue Pro Smartphone with Windows Mobile

Posted by admin on Friday, May 6, 2011

Dell Venue Pro Smartphone with Windows Mobile
Dell Venue Pro Smartphone with Windows Mobile. The specs for the Dell Venue Pro is appealing good. 1GHz Snapdragon processor, 4.1 inch AMOLED screen, 512MB RAM, 1024MB ROM and 5 megapixel autofocus camera. You accept the accepted WIFI, Bluetooth, 3G, GPS actuality too. It uses MicroUSB anchorage for charging and abstracts transfer.
You should apperceive that a buzz with the chat “Pro” in it’s name agency that it has a concrete keyboard. Yeap, the Dell Venue Pro is the aboriginal Windows Buzz 7 buzz in Singapore that has a accelerate out account keyboard. Typing on the keyboard is appealing ok. Not the best concrete keyboard that I’ve apparent but I don’t apperception application it.
We all apperceive that LG, HTC and Samsung are absolution their Windows Buzz 7 buzz in Singapore. What we didn’t apperceive until the eve of the Windows Buzz 7 barrage in Singapore is that Dell is additionally bringing their Windows Buzz 7 buzz to the little red dot. Yeap, the Dell Venue Pro is advancing to Singapore. And if I’m not mistaken, this is the aboriginal Dell buzz that is activity to be awash in Singapore.
1 air-conditioned affair about the Dell Venue Pro is that the awning is fabricated with apache glass. This agency that the awning is blemish resistant. It agency that you can best acceptable put it central your abridged with your keys and bill afterwards abrading the screen. But I’m abiding cipher would do that. Right?
Still no account on back we will see the Dell Venue Pro in bazaar or what’s the pricing. But apprehend it to be soon.
Yup, of advance we got to comedy with the Dell Venue Pro (an odd name) aka the 'Lightning'. Featuring a 4.1" awning with 8GB of storage, the accessory acquainted appealing solid in our hands. It was a bit top abundant with the keyboard out, but annihilation serious. Speaking of, the slider is fantastic--you absolutely feel the springs and affection with this one.
The keyboard itself is additionally absolutely nice, admitting a bit awkward (being a account slider, this is natural). Here's a funny affair though: yeah, the onscreen keyboard is really, absolutely as acceptable as anybody says it is. Seriously. Phil and I were both banging abroad on the HD7 and were abashed at the acceleration and accuracy. All of this almost, about makes the accouterments keyboard feel redundant. Still, we apperceive some of you appetite this bad boy and we don't accusation you--it's a awash device.
In fact, all the phones today feel fast, bland and top quality. We like these fresh accouterments restrictions as we get bendability for once.
The Dell Venue Pro will be on T-Mobile, appearance a 5MP camera and Apache Bottle for the screen. A few added shots afterwards the break!

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